2024 Heading link

Increased solidification delays fragmentation and suppresses rebound of impacting drops Heading link
V. Kulkarni, S. Tamvada, N. Shirdade, N. Saneie, V. Y. Lolla, V. Batheyrameshbapu, S. Anand. “Increased solidification delays fragmentation and suppresses the rebound of impacting drops” (submitted). (2024).

Controlling outcomes of oil drops bursting at a water/air interface Heading link
Kulkarni, V.; Lolla, V. Y.; Tamvada, S.; Anand, S., Bursting Oil Drops, Applied Physics Letters (Submitted) 2024

Bursting Oil Drops Heading link
Kulkarni, V.; Lolla, V. Y.; Tamvada, S.; Anand, S., Bursting Oil Drops, Physical Review Letters (Under Revision) 2024

Continuous Synthesis of Nanoscale Emulsions by Vapor Condensation (EVC) Heading link
Anand, S.; Galavan, V. ; Mulik, M. U., Continuous Synthesis of Nanoscale Emulsions by Vapor Condensation (EVC), Advanced Science, 2024

Adhesion of impure ice on surfaces Heading link
Chatterjee, R.; Thanjukutty, R. U.; Carducci, C.; Neogi, A.; Chakraborty, S.; Bapu, V. P. B. R.; Banik, S.; Sankaranarayanan, S.; Anand, S., Materials Horizons 11(2), 419-427 (2024). DOI 10.1039/D3MH01440A
2023 Heading link

How to select phase change materials for tuning condensation and frosting? Heading link
Chatterjee, R., Chaudhari, U. & Anand, S. How to Select Phase Change Materials for Tuning Condensation and Frosting? Advanced Functional Materials. 33, 2206301, doi:10.1002/adfm.202206301 (2023).
2022 Heading link

A Family of Frost-Resistant and Icephobic Coatings Heading link
Chatterjee, R., H. Bararnia, and S. Anand, (2022) “A Family of Frost-Resistant and Icephobic Coatings” Advanced Materials, 34(20): p. 2109930. Selected as Front-Cover & featured in NSF, UIC News, Cosmetics Design, Technology Networks

Boiling Transitions During Droplet Contact on Superheated Nano/Micro-Structured Surfaces Heading link
Saneie, N., V. Kulkarni, K. Fezzaa, N. A. Patankar, and S. Anand. “Boiling Transitions During Droplet Contact on Superheated Nano/Micro-Structured Surfaces.” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 14, no. 13 (2022): 15774-83
2021 Heading link

Microbubble Dynamics and Heat Transfer in Boiling Droplets Heading link
Saneie, N., V. Kulkarni, B. Treska, K. Fezzaa, N. Patankar, and S. Anand. “Microbubble Dynamics and Heat Transfer in Boiling Droplets.” International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer 176, 121413

Coalescence and spreading of oil drops on liquid pools Heading link
Kulkarni, V.; Lolla, V. *; Tamvada, S.*; Shirdade, N., Anand, S., (2021) “Coalescence and spreading of oil drops on liquid pools”, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 586, 257-268
2019 Heading link

In-Situ Study of Molecular Structure of Water and Ice Entrapped.. Heading link
Ghodsi, S. M., Anand, S., Shahbazian-Yassar, R., Shokuhfar, T.* and Megaridis, C.M.* (*corresponding authors) (2019) In-situ molecular structure study of water and ice in graphene nanovessels, ACS Nano

Delaying Ice and Frost Formation Using Phase‐Switching Liquids Heading link
Chatterjee, R.; Beysens, D.; Anand, S, (2019) Delaying Ice and Frost Formation Using Phase‐Switching Liquids Advanced Materials

Programmable Soft Robotics Based on Nano-Textured Thermo-Respo... Heading link
Kang, Dong Jin, Seongpil An, Alexander L. Yarin, and Sushant Anand. “Programmable soft robotics based on nano-textured thermo-responsive actuators.” Nanoscale (2019).
2018 Heading link

Synthesizing Pickering nanoemulsions by vapor condensation Heading link
Kang, D. J.*; Bararnia, H.*; Anand, S., (2018) Synthesizing Pickering nanoemulsions by vapor condensation (*Equal Contribution), ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. Featured in MIE NEWS.

Nanoparticle synthesis via bubbling vapor precursors in ... Heading link
Kang, D. J.; Anand, S., (2018) Nanoparticle synthesis via bubbling vapor precursors in bulk liquids, RSC Nanoscale
2017 Heading link

Creating Nanoscale Emulsions using Condensation Heading link
Guha, I.*; Anand, S.*†; Varanasi, K. K.†, (2017) Creating Nanoscale Emulsions using Condensation. (*Equal Contribution, †Corresponding Author), Nature Communications, 8 (1), 1371. Featured in MIT News, UIC MIE News, Phys.org, Daily Mail, International Business Times, Azo Materials
Papers List 2017 - (1) Heading link
- Solomon, B. R.; Subramanyam, S. B.; Farnham, T. A.; Khalil, K. S.; Anand, S.; Varanasi, K. K. CHAPTER 10: Lubricant-Impregnated Surfaces. In RSC Non-wettable Surfaces: Theory, Preparation and Applications, Marmur, A.; Ras, R. H. A., Eds.; Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017; Vol. 2017-January, pp 285-318.
2010 - 2015 Heading link
Papers List 2010-2015 - (1) Heading link
- Ramchandra, N.; Anand, S.; Rykaczewski, K.; Médici, M.G.; González-Viñas, W; Varanasi, K. K. and Beysens, D. (2015) “Inverted Leidenfrost like effect during condensation”, Langmuir, 31, (19), 5353-5363.

How droplets nucleate and grow on liquids and liquid... Heading link
Anand, S.‡; Rykaczewski, K.; Subramanyam, S.B.; Beysens, D. and Varanasi, K. K. (2015) “How droplets nucleate and grow on liquids and liquid impregnated surfaces”, Soft Matter, 11 (1), 69-80 (‡corresponding author). Also selected as Back Cover and amongst ‘2015’s most accessed Soft Matter articles”.

Dropwise Condensation of Low Surface Tension Fluids on ... Heading link
Rykaczewski, K.; Paxson, A.; Staymates, M.; Walker, M.L.; Sun, X.; Anand, S.; Srinivasan, S.; McKinley, G.H.; Chinn, J.; Scott, J.H.J. and Varanasi, K. K. (2014) “Dropwise Condensation of Low Surface Tension Fluids on Omniphobic Surfaces”, Scientific Reports, 4

Fog-Harvesting Potential of Lubricant-Impregnated Electrospun... Heading link
Lalia, B. S.*; Anand, S*.; Varanasi, K. K.; Hashaikeh, R., (2013) “Fog-Harvesting Potential of Lubricant-Impregnated Electrospun Nanomats”. Langmuir, 29, (42), 13081-13088. (*Equal Contribution)

Mechanism of Frost Formation on Lubricant-Impregnated Surfaces Heading link
Rykaczewski, K.; Anand, S.; Subramanyam, S.B.; and Varanasi, K. K. (2013) “Mechanism of Frost Formation on Lubricant-Impregnated Surfaces“, Langmuir, 29(17): 5230-5238

Droplet mobility on lubricant-impregnated surfaces Heading link
Smith, D.; Dhiman, R.; Anand, S.; Guarduno, E.; McKinley, G.; Cohen, R. E.; and Varanasi, K. K. (2013) “Droplet mobility on lubricant-impregnated surfaces“, Soft Matter, 9(6): p. 1772-1780. Also selected as Front Cover of the Journal and among ‘Most Accessed Articles’ for 2013.

Multimode Multidrop Coalescence Effects during Condensation on... Heading link
Rykaczewski, K.; Paxson, A.; Anand, S.; Chen, X.; Wang, Z. and Varanasi, K. K. (2012) “Multimode Multidrop Coalescence Effects during Condensation on Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Surfaces“, Langmuir, 29(3): 881-891

Enhanced condensation on liquid impregnated nanotextured surfaces Heading link
Anand, S.; Paxson, A.; Dhiman, R.; Smith, J.D. and Varanasi, K. K. (2012) “Enhanced condensation on liquid impregnated nanotextured surfaces” ACS Nano, 6 (11), 10122-10129. Also covered in MIT News, Phys.org, Nanoweek, Popular Science, Economist
Papers List 2010-2015 - (2) Heading link
- Anand, S.; et al. (2011). “Distribution of Vapor Inside a Cylindrical Minichannel With Evaporative Walls and Its Effect on Droplet Growth by Heterogeneous Nucleation”, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 3 (1): 011008-011010

Sub-Micrometer Dropwise Condensation under Superheated... Heading link
Anand, S. and Son, S. Y. (2010). “Sub-Micrometer Dropwise Condensation under Superheated and Rarefied Vapor Condition“, Langmuir, 26 (22), 17100-17110.